Personal Marijuana Card Services
Medical marijuana was authorized in the State of Nevada when voters amended the Nevada Constitution in 2000, but a system for legally obtaining the drug outside of “growing your own” wasn’t established until the most recent session of the Legislature in 2013.
As county and city governments move to implement the new state law and expand the quality and availability of medical marijuana, there are many questions remaining as to who will be allowed to grow, test and sell these products. There are also questions about how the new state law will interact with the federal prohibition on marijuana use. However, there is one area of the law where there are no questions: if you have a qualifying medical condition, you need a medical marijuana card to use marijuana in the State of Nevada.
To date, many places have offered this service in the Las Vegas valley, and until now, getting this service accomplished in a strip mall or at your local smoke shop was good enough. But the expansion of the law means a heightened level of scrutiny, and you can no longer take chances with your registration. You wouldn’t go to a retailer for you banking needs – you’d go to a banker. You wouldn’t go to a grocer for your tax needs – you’d go to a tax professional. Why would you do any different when getting your medical marijuana card? You wouldn’t. You would go to a professional. That’s where we can help. Half Price Lawyers has a legal team with decades of experience helping individuals comply with state licensing requirements.
Our simple Medical Marijuana Personal Registration program includes:
- Onsite pre-screening to ensure your eligibility before registration
- Obtaining & preparing all of the State-required registration forms & applications
- A complete medical examination (via referral) by a Nevada-licensed medical doctor, as well as appropriate signatures on the forms; as well, if you qualify, a 90 day temporary recommendation letter from the doctor stating that he/she recommends you participate in the Nevada Medical Marijuana Program
- Notarization of all necessary documents
- FREE legal services for one year on any type of misdemeanor marijuana possession charge (i.e. if you are charged for possession because your Medical Marijuana card wasn’t on you at the time)
- FREE legal services for any type of local traffic violation (not including warrants)
All for the lowest price in Las Vegas, guaranteed.
That’s right, a lawyer-developed registration program, including your fees to the State of Nevada for less than existing programs which do not and can not offer our legal defense program.
Don’t miss out on the expanded access to this important public health program and don’t take chances with your freedom. Make your appointment and get licensed today!
Some Restrictions Apply. Representation does not include:
(a) Any crime where the use of medical marijuana is not a defense;
(b) Any criminal offense brought in federal court related to marijuana.
Complete program description is available upon consultation with an attorney.